Season 1 is live on the App Store! Get quick online matches against opponents in your skill range, try the new maps, earn a bonus pin, and get a Season Pass to see stats and player rankings!

Release Notes
- Added Season Pass feature, where players can access ranking and stats features with an In App Purchase.
- Award players with a Clearance Rank based on their Quick Match play, visible to Season Pass holders.
- Added Stats section for Season Pass holders.
- Allow all players to unlock a season pin if they win 20 Quick Match games
- Allow Season Pass holders to unlock a “pro” pin if they win 60 Quick Match games
- Improved Quick Match flow, so players auto-ready when a match is made, players can not back out of Quick Match lobby once they have an opponent ready, and made it easier to re-queue after a match.
- Added New Maps: Bridges, St. Peter’s Cross, All Roads Lead to Berlin, and Viennese. Retired Southern Approach and Distant Treasure from the “shuffle maps” list, and made some other minor map tweaks.
- Added a variety of new spy pins to the shop, from royalty to something otherworldly.
- Added new bot difficulty, Sly, which is moderately less dumb than the previous training bots. Also made Moderate training bot a bit less dumb.
- Made Quick Match turn timer 40% faster.
- Made some improvements to iPad layouts.
- Added “Well played.” emote.
- Fixed issue that could make an opponent with Encryption look as if they could be in deep cover when they could not have been.
- Took a couple of the least desirable potential spy codenames out of rotation.
- Fixed a veritable horde of little UI bugs, including adding a nicer Settings screen (the crowd cheers wildly)
Let us know what you think via email, Twitter, or Reddit, and have fun!